Sleep apnea devices have become an evolving technology, especially in the last few decades. The prevalence of sleep disorders is growing, and sleep centers are growing to address the needs of hospitals and the private care environment. Sleep medicine provides evidence-based recommendations for diagnosing and treating sleep disturbances.
Nevertheless, the number of sleep centers and caregivers in this field is not enough. Many new technologies have been created for recording sleep and diagnosing sleep disorders.
Sleep apnea disorder and the therapeutic technologies
Several sleep disorders are chronic and need continuous treatment and therapy success monitoring. Cost-efficient technologies for initial diagnosis and follow-up of treatment are critical. It is precisely here that telemedicine technology can meet the requirements of diagnostic and therapy follow-up studies. Wireless recording of sleep and associated biosignals facilitates diagnostic tools and follow-up treatment to be easily accessible conveniently available.
In addition, sleep research requires novel technologies to explore underlying sleep control mechanisms in order to further explain the pathophysiology of sleep disorders. Home recording and non-obtrusive recording with telemedicine methods over extended periods support this research. Telemedicine enables the monitoring of minor subject activity under normal and experimental life conditions.
Therapeutic sleep apnea therapeutic devices:
Oral devices
Oral appliance therapy is used to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. It includes keeping a removable oral appliance in your mouth when you sleep. The device fits like a sports mouthguard or an orthodontic bracket. The oral appliance stops the airway from closing either by holding the tongue or by keeping the jaw in the forward position. Over-the-counter devices are not used as medical options for snoring or obstructive sleep apnea.
Chin straps
The chin strap, usually made of stretchy neoprene, helps hold the jaw and mouth shut and enable the snorer to breathe freely through the nasal passage. Chin straps are also used for sleep apnea. Studies using chin straps alone as a snoring and sleep apnea therapy was far from systematic. An anti-snoring chin strap comes with a lot of advantages. Most significantly, this proves to be a non-invasive treatment choice. Many devices, such as TSDs and MADs, need to be put into the mouth. This means constant cleaning and the ability to disturb sleep patterns.
PAP devices
Positive airway pressure machines, used in a number of breathing masks, are the most commonly available treatments for mild to extreme sleep apnea. The mask, worn snugly over the nose, or occasionally over the nose and mouth, during sleep, provides pressurized air that flows constantly or intermittently through the sleeper's throat. The increased air pressure stops the airway of the sleeper from collapsing.
Pressurized air is provided by a transparent tube from one of several types of machines: CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), BiPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure), VPAP (variable positive airway pressure), and so on. Studies of the impact of PAP therapy suggest that patients with sleep apnea who regularly use their devices feel better and, as a result of decreased apnea and hypopnea symptoms during sleep, experience fewer problems with the disease.
Here’s how artificial intelligence is aiding in the treatment of sleep disorders
Artificial intelligence has already shown its potential in a number of ways, performing tedious, repetitive tasks in a dynamic world, enabling businesses to improve productivity and more. Today's routine lives are completely influenced by technology because it allows people a new opportunity to do their work. AI also offers healthcare professionals the ability to administer essential treatments with ease. Technology may now be leveraged to increase efficiency and accuracy in the treatment of sleep disorders, resulting in better care and enhanced patient outcomes.
As sleep centers gather large quantities of data, sleep treatment can be enhanced by AI and machine learning. These technologies can provide more reliable diagnoses, prevent disease and treatment predictions, classify subtypes of diseases, reliably scoring sleep, optimize and personalize sleep treatments. In this regard, AI can be used to automate sleep calculation when new information can be extracted from sleep information. The integration of AI into the practice of sleep medicine is based on transparent contact, testing on new information, and integration in the laboratory.
What’s trending in sleep apnea devices technology?
Home sleep apnea testing
The high prevalence of sleep apnea was an early trigger for the development and application of portable devices to allow HSAT. Sleep and waking, orona airflow, ventilation effort, oxygen saturation, and position of the body are distinct. While cardiorespiratory polysomnography remains the diagnostic standard, modern models of portable sleep apnea measuring devices with increased sensitivity and particularities have become increasingly accurate.
These are currently the first diagnostic methods for the treatment of sleep disorders. There are several different systems available and polysomnography validated. High sensitivity and high precision are important to test the accuracy quantitatively. Today's devices allow sensors themselves to be used at home by patients. When the patient enters a consultation, then the sleep physician or the sleep nurse has to clarify the management of the device, and then the patient may record the procedure at home.
Telemedicine methods in sleep medicine defined
The telemedicine applications available are to be used to a lesser extent in diagnostic procedures and a much greater extent in the evaluation of patient progress for sleep apnea therapy. Therefore, the area of telemedicine in sleep medicine is also seen as a very focused and limited area of use for telemedicine technology, which occupies only a very small part of the broad concept of "telemedicine" as "remote medicine."
Telemedicine is considered a therapeutic procedure and a tool. The implementations include wireless sleep tracking and sleeping activities, wireless breathing analysis, wireless data sharing for data processing, sleep and sleep apnea assessment using mobile devices, and telemedicine monitoring of therapeutics compliance for sleep apnea treatment patients. Device applications are often discussed briefly and the device is used as an alternative means of medical imaging and therapy. Additionally, consumer goods, typically based on smartphones or tablets, are commonly available to track or modify sleep.
Summing up
Sleep apnea devices market is going through an exponential growth due to the high incidence of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and increasing geriatric population. Sleep apnea is particularly prevalent in the elderly, however, it affects people of all ages and is one of the most common sleep disorders worldwide. The health effects of sleep apnea are very significant but under-recognized. Worldwide statistics show that sleep apnea affects more than 936 million people worldwide, which is almost 10 times greater than previous estimates.
Free Valuable Insights: Global Sleep Apnea Devices Market to reach a market size of USD 8.8 billion by 2025
The global sleep apnea patient pool is also expected to expand in the coming years, with rising obesity worldwide. Changing habits also contribute to a rise in obesity prevalence across the globe, which is likely to lead to a substantial increase in the pool of patients with sleep apnea. This growing pool of patients provides the sleep apnea devices industry with high growth opportunities.